Saturday, August 28, 2004


Another exciting Saturday night. A co-worker is having a party, but I just can't get excited about going by myself. Guess it's that old "anti-social" thing kicking in again. Hubby and MIL went to the races. Youngest daughter and fiance went out. Older son went to LeMars this afternoon for the rest of the weekend.

Number one daughter and husband came last night to pick up grandson. I'd picked him up from Kid's Club and he was to stay overnight, but when I woke yesterday morning I'd done something to my wrist and I couldn't move it without it hurting, it was weak, and very painful - like a sprain. I iced it, though not swollen, then bandaged it. Doctors' office was short-staffed, so said to call this morning at 8 and they'd try to get me in, so thought my daughter should pick him up last night to avoid an early morning. When I woke this morning, it was a bit better so decided to be cheap and not call the doc. Will wait a couple more days and see how it feels.

Except for cleaning house, laundry, getting groceries and washing the back deck, I've been very unproductive today.

Saw both chipmunks at once! There really ARE two of them! That's my excitement for the day...