Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Dear Restaurant Manager

You did the right thing. Of course, it was your screw up in the first place, but at least you groveled appropriately and gave me free food. I will be back to your establishment. Thank you for your good service. Don't fuck up again. It wasn't fun.

DH called up late this afternoon. Due to unexpected circumstances (machinery breakdown) he was going to be done working at a reasonable time tonight and he would "cook". That sometimes means he does cook food in my kitchen, but more often than not it means he will pick up take out. Works for me! So, he was so sweet he even offered to go to the grocery store with me on the way to pick up the food (two birds with one stone and all that). We call in the food order. We grocery shop. We go to pick up food order. I sit in the parking lot for 15 minutes. When he finally appears, he tells me he has been drinking free beer because they gave part of our order to someone else and had to re-make it. Okay, fine. They gave him that part of the order free, also. Good for them.

It gets ugly. We get home and open the five boxes of food and find only one of them is right. The one he waited for. WTF!?!? The rest weren't even close to what they were supposed to be. I think someone else got the entire order, not just the one thing.

So, phone call to the restaurant. Talk to the manager. Told him I was coming back for the right food. 20 minutes? Okay. Did I mention we live 20 minutes away? See? This is not an uninvolved excursion.

To his credit, when I walked in the door he was waiting with my bag of food, plus a gift certificate for the value of the food we already had purchased. Apologetic as all get out, he was very nice and we will be back.

As for my quiet, relaxing evening at home....I wish DH would have just let me cook. It's the thought that counts. Love ya, hon.