Monday, June 27, 2005

Sweating Like a Pig

OMG... is it ever hot here! This is August weather. At least we got some rain over the weekend and our crops look good. I've been working in the gardens, pulling weeds and trying to get mulch put out. I did bare minimum last summer when we moved in, but now have lived here a year (I can't believe that!) and I'd moved some hostas and other perennials from the old house and have been trying to get them mulched - but of course, you must weed first. I've weeded a couple of times in anticipation of mulching, but things have jumped in the way (being sick, tractor needing fixed, etc.) that have kept me from mulching. Unfortunately, without the mulch, the weeds just keep on comin'! At at last I think I've made some progress. Whew! Now, if it would just cool off a touch... just a touch...