Tuesday, July 26, 2005

A Bowl of Cereal Would Have Sufficed

At the butt-crack of dawn this morning (my family's colorful description of early morning that came from ???) Hubby sat up in bed, leaned over and flipped on the back porch/deck light sufficiently blinding me in my even-though-I-may-look-like-I'm-awake-and-my-eyes-are-open-a-wee-bit-but-technically-I'm-NOT state, I said, "HEY!" Hubby - (flipping light off) "There are four racoons on the porch!"

He proceeds to start rapping his knuckles on the glass to scare them away. I don't know what they did, but Frieda started barking her fool head off thinking we were being invaded.

How did YOUR morning start?