Monday, January 22, 2007

Dibs and Dabs

Catching up a bit...

  • Yes, it snowed. Although "officially" we only got about 5", our deck says otherwise - try about twice that. It's beautiful. Cold, but beautiful.
  • I'm taking a jammie day. I hadn't intended to, but woke this morning feeling achy and icky and hoping I'm not getting the current cold that's going around. I made an executive decision to stay home and be warm and cozy and medicated and hope it gets killed off before it gets too good a hold on my body. I can hope, right?
  • My new desktop computer for home is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow! Whoot! I'm so excited. It's going to be powerful enough to play WoW on, and yet... smart enough to get my bookwork all neatly organized. To be fair, I've done pretty well on the laptop, but there is something about paying bills while balancing things on a stupid folding card table just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I want my desktop computer to be functional again - along with the nice big calculator and the better workspace. It just puts me in a better "working" frame of mind. Of course, this means work to get everything switched off of the old one so I can give it to youngest son, plus he's getting Hubs' printer, plus Hubs is then getting my old, bigger monitor and youngest son is getting Hubs' smaller monitor and Hubs has a new printer to connect. I think you're getting the picture. It really shouldn't have to be this much work.
  • My new desktop computer for home is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow - at work. Need I say more? You know where I will be tomorrow.
  • I've been doing some crafty things I may not have mentioned. At Christmastime I cross-stitched some bookmarks for some of my dearest friends. I knitted nice long warm scarves for most of the kids (except the ones I knew wouldn't wear 'em). I also re-did a cross-stitch of Noah's Ark for my parents that they lost in their house fire. My mother even cried when she opened it. I was glad I did it. Since Christmas, I've finished crocheting two baby afghans for friends having babies. One was just born and the other isn't due until June, but it's done! I also got into making prayer shawls through a real-life friend. Although I have some cross-stitch wedding samplers to get done for my boys, These shawls are pretty mindless tv-watching type things I can do when I don't want to think too much. I just finished one and have started another. Also picked up some more yarn "just in case" I want to make a couple of other little projects. When it's cold out you can't beat knitting or crocheting on an afghan or shawl. The more you get done the more it keeps you warm as you work on it. Someday I'd like to learn how to do socks, like Jen does. I think they'd be fun. She makes the most beautiful things.
  • In case you missed it, Helen got engaged! Whoot! I can't imagine someone who deserves as much happiness as she does.
  • The new World of Warcraft video game expansion "Burning Crusade" is out and is really exciting. I know, I know, I'm too old for this shit. Blame my kids. They got me hooked. I don't play near as much as I used to ... "life" seems to get in the way. However, when I do play I remember why I like to play and how much I miss playing and how much I miss the people I play with.
  • A friend from blogland got me hooked on the Jim Butcher "Dresden Files" books which just premiered as a show last night on the sci-fi channel. I liked it! I'm normally more mystery and gore than sci-fi, but it worked and I enjoyed seeing how they put together things in the books with things on the show. In my mind it works much better than "Bones" does. I loved the books, but the show just leaves me a bit flat. The character she's made herself out to be (it's based on the real-life of foresic anthropologist and fiction writer Kathy Reichts) isn't quite the same as the one she's portrayed herself in her books. Maybe that's the point, I'm not sure. However, I have a hard time watching and not seeing flashbacks to "Angel" (David Borrenos co-stars) - not sure if I spelled his name right and too lazy to look it up.

I think we're caught up now, for the moment. Feel free to carry on with your regular scheduled activities...
