Tuesday, February 13, 2007

This 'n That

I have been one busy lady. Don't believe me? Ask Hubs. He's got the garbage to prove it.

My home office is still organized and wonderful. Trust me. To be able to say that a week or so after having completed the project is truly a miracle. I'm trying very hard not to slide back into my old habits. So far, so good.

The "bonus room", as the builders and construction plans all call it, has finally reached the point where it can be used! This is the large room that is over the garage that is designed, in our case, for storage and for my crafts (craps, as Hubs calls it). I think I've mentioned this a time or two, but I have waaaay too many interests. Besides being an avid reader (can you say, about 3 books a week?) I also am "into" computers, WoW video game (World of Warcraft for the uninitiated), rubber stamping (aka scrapbooking, but I'm not that organized), crocheting, knitting, cross-stitching, sewing, painting and uh... oh, yeah, blogging. We've now lived in this new house two-and-a-half years. I am just now getting all the boxes unpacked upstairs and all the craft stuff put back into shelves and bins and drawers and what-nots that make them easily accessible and available for use.

Hubs and I have an agreement. Since we live in the country, we have a dumpster for our garbage. It resides a ways from the house (who would want one right outside?) and we just call our local garbage guys when it needs emptying. My end of the deal is to take the trash out to the garage and line the wall next to where he parks his pickup. His end is to then load up his pickup and take it the rest of the way out to the dumpster. He says he can always tell when I've been cleaning house by the level of garbage he faces when he comes home. Needless to say, it's been quite a bit lately. Have you ever moved? Have you then later been embarrassed to realize all the JUNK that you moved that you then throw away? Oh... okay. Me neither. *blush*

I noticed on Sunday that the neighbor had about 10 pickups in his driveway. Guess that explained all the shooting. I haven't figured out what his thing is yet. He came from out of state (I won't say from where as I've met some really nice people from there and although my state likes to make jokes about this state and it's become quite the rivalry... I'm not going to blame them for one asshat). He has a business in town and sells Carhart brand clothing and who knows what else - I refuse to go into his store, so don't know for sure - have to rely on what Hubs has told me. Because he's from out of state I can't decide if these are all new friends, possibly customers that he's got coming out for some "hunting", or old friends from that other state. (Keep in mind, they aren't actually killing anything that I know of, just clay pigeons.)

I haven't been working at my paid job due to 1) lack of work 2) lack of motivation 3) weather and 4) too much other stuff going on. However, I did go into work on Sunday to box up the external hard drive that I couldn't get to work and the company is shipping back...finally... for credit on a new, brand-name, plug-and-play model. They were set for Monday pick up and the weather was to get pretty nasty so I went in Sunday to get it done. At any rate, I walked in and found my new monitor had arrived! Yippee! So, managed to get it all hooked up and the old one ready for recycling - as well as dusted. Yeah, did I mention I'm the maid? Just kidding. We all keep our own space clean, tho' and the guy I share space with and I have an agreement - I'll dust if he'll vacuum. Got that chore done for the month!

Last, but not least, the weather. It's yucky, but not as bad as they were saying earlier in the week. It is right now snowing and blowing pretty bad - but they're saying we're only to get about 5". Earlier they thought about 9". It seems Missouri is getting thunderstorms and the moisture they've been getting took all of the extra moisture out of the snow, so not so much now. Doesn't hurt my feelings. At least we aren't like the people out east facing 100+ inches. That's just nuts. Any time you have to go up on your roof to shovel, it's not a good thing. Yeah, yeah, I know... I'm the one who has been asking for it. Moderation, people!

There you have it! So, what's been going on in your world? What's that you say? I have to go read your blogs? I thought you were going to say that.
