Monday, July 11, 2005

Tagged. I'm It.

Lifetime Meme: Miss Sizzle tagged me...

10 years ago: I quit my job because the bitch in the office next to me complained because I wouldn’t stay until she left at 6 p.m. I had to face some hard realities in my past, then had a nervous breakdown. I was suicidal, then decided it wasn’t worth the effort. I got closer to my kids. I got a crushed vertebrae and had back surgery. My father-in-law passed away and I began a closer relationship with my husband and the farm operation (in that order). Decided life was a good thing.

5 years ago: I started a new part-time job just to “keep my fingers in” the computing game. After six weeks the person I was working with as support staff decided to leave and I became the full-time person for the entire company.

1 year ago: We moved into our new house. This is the first house we’ve owned. This the first time my husband has moved since he was 7-years-old. This is my sixth move, but the last one was over 25 years ago. This is my dream house. I designed it, made all the decisions on it, and furnished it. I love it – no, you can’t love something that doesn’t love you back – I like it a LOT.

Yesterday: I finished crocheting a baby blanket for a friend's new baby. I finished reading my 4th book of the weekend. A family friend passed away.

Today: I am working part of the day, then taking my 15 borrowed books back to the library to pick up another week’s worth. I am buying my husband new “funeral shoes”. I had a good talk with a co-worker whose mother passed away last weekend after a long fight with cancer.

Tomorrow: I really don’t know. I’ll play it by ear…

5 snacks I enjoy: Cheese and crackers. Beef sticks. Sour cream and onion chips. Olives. Cream cheese with salsa and corn chips.

5 bands/singers that I know the lyrics of MOST of their songs: October Project. Sara McLachlan. Dan Fogelberg. Counting Crows. Barenaked Ladies.

5 things I would do with $100,000,000: Pay off our farm debt. Pay off our house. Pay off our kids’ college loans. Build or support a no-kill animal shelter. Hire a gardner and a housecleaner. Help our kids buy houses. Give boss ultimatum – work from home or I quit. (So I can't count - sue me.)

5 locations I’d like to run away to: California. (Did that). Ireland. Cancun. Maine. Seattle.

5 bad habits I have: Biting my nails. Saying "like" way too much. Eating too much sugar. Not flossing (but lying about it to my dentist). (Wow! Didn’t know Sizzle and I were so much alike!). Being anti-social.

5 things I like doing: Writing. Playing with my pets/kids/husband – not necessarily in that order. Cooking/eating (they DO go together, you realize!). Reading.

5 things I would never wear: Heels over 1” (I have terrible balance). A thong. Fake bake. Short-shorts. A mu-mu.

5 TV shows I like: Law and Order (All of them – that would make four right there, so I’m cheating and lumping them all together). Carnival (cancelled – Bastards!). Dead Like Me (cancelled – Bastards!). Farscape (cancelled – you get the idea). The L Word.

5 movies I like: When Harry Met Sally. The Way We Were. Casablanca. Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Tron.

5 famous people I’d like to meet: Stephen King. Barbra Streisand. Steven Spielburg. Patricia Cornwell. George Michael.

5 biggest joys at the moment: My critters(and grandcritters). My kids (and grandkid). Hubby. My gardens and house. My new blog friends.

5 favorite toys: My laptop. My ipod. My mower tractor with attachments. My digital camera. The VCR.

5 people to tag: brad. GB. Deb. C. Kenna.