New Friends and Refreshed Links
As busy as I've been, I've still found time to have new blog connections. Go figure. Go visit these people and give 'em a minute of your time... I also updated my list and found a lot of people I haven't visited in awhile are gone or on a break. Amazing how much this happens. I guess I've been known to miss a week or two, but to just stop? I think it would be hard to do... Hope the ones who are just "on a break" will come back!! *hint* *hint*
Nicole over at Sleepyfroggie. I love her "love story"... reminds me a bit of my own! Plus she loves animals, so of course I'm gonna like her immediately!
The Gorby Corner is a great site started by Helen to raise money for the RSPCA. Good reason. Great dog.
Over at Dad Gone Mad you can check out a man's perspective. We don't get that often enough, sad to say...
Remember, Em (Not Dorothy) has moved. Her new site is Mellow Chaos.
For yummy recipes from a former chef, as well as kitty tales and facinating poetry and stories, slip on over to Michael's blog Recipes for Life.
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