Tuesday, March 15, 2005


The traditional "bachelor" and "bachelorette" parties were had this past weekend. Fun had by all...! I laughed at the groom. He and some friends went to a local strip club Friday night. There were eight guys and four of them were "strip club virgins". These guys are so clean-cut they squeek! I asked the groom if the girls were nice or kind of skanky - his reply was, at the beginning they were rather skanky, but improved as the night went on. Let me guess... more alcohol consumption? I also asked him if he saw any evidence of plastic surgery. Lots! - was his reply.

The funny part was on Sunday when we had a lovely "bachelorette" lunch at a local restaurant where we invited the groom and his mother and he had to admit to his mother he'd gone to the strip club. I think he was waaaay more embarrassed than his mother was!

The bride got the typical lacy things as gifts and the lecherous waiter stood behind her in the hallway as she opened things - I swear there was drool dribbling down his chin. Ick. Other than that, it was very fun. Nice group of girls.

Now we are getting into the final countdown. Daughter had last day of work yesterday and is now going into the 'home stretch'. I ran around yesterday paying for tuxes, getting the appropriate black socks for certain male family members, and looking for last minute do-dads. Today the bride and I are going to do some last minute "girly" shopping and she's made appointments for us to have fun massage pedicures tonight. I'm excited... haven't done that for a loooong time.

Will be a busy week.