The Busy Blogger
What a weekend this has been! Whew!
Dad went home from the hospital on Friday afternoon. After zillions of tests, no idea what happened. They say they can't even find evidence of a stroke. Great. Now we're supposed to think it's all in his head? They want him to stop drinking. (Good luck with that!) and they want him to use a cane. Riiiggghhht. Mom said the therapist couldn't even get him to try it in the hospital, so what do you think the chances are he's going to use one? Exactly. I checked up on him yesterday and he was in bed mid-afternoon. He's not doing well. Neck still hurts (which they've never figured out the cause of) and his wrist still hurts from his fall three weeks ago. Today they both have physicals and the wrist will be looked at. Don't know if they are going to be able to change Dad's medications to a different anti-depressant that might not make him so tired, but that would be nice. He's just not enjoying life anymore. They didn't change his stroke meds at all. Nothing more to be done on that front but wait.
Friday night Hubs, Em and I went to a Cubs baseball game. This would be the "farm team" that resides in our nearby largest city. It was fun. I'm not a huge sports fan, okay, I admit it ... I'm not any kind of a sports fan... but I was there with two of my favorite people so it made it okay. We were guests of our seed corn representative, so had a nice sky-box and free food and beverages. Nice night for a game - and they won!
Saturday was the event we've been waiting for ... for weeks! I can now tell you it was Darrell from Murmurs who was visiting! He and his 13-yr old son stopped through for a few days on their way site-seeing across the country. He came in on Thursday, and have been entertained and fed by Amanda and her family. Her son and Darrell's son have been getting along famously (as kids will do) and their days have been full of swimming, doing some local site-seeing, firefly catching, and other boy-stuff. Saturday night was my turn to meet them.
They came out to my house for a cookout Saturday night. Paranoid as always, I'd spent the day cleaning and polishing and trying to put my best foot forward. I really didn't need to do that tho'... once we met I felt quite comfortable and it didn't hurt a bit. My one regret was that Hubs had to leave to go to son's race before they got there and they never got to meet.
We had a nice dinner, good visiting, and later on made a campfire and ate s'mores (some of us did...not me, honest!). The boys were busy catching fireflies (they don't have them in California - go figure!) and chasing around the yard. I was impressed by how bright D's son is - he just sparkles - and is full of energy and curiosity. They were hoping to see the stars that night with their telescope, but mother nature wasn't agreeable. It was okay, as they'd gone star-gazing the night before at our old house where my youngest son lives - and met him as well at that time. Stargazing is another thing it's difficult to do where they live unless they get far enough out of town. Here, you just have to go out in the yard.
D was pretty much exactly what I expected. Articulate and knowlegable about many subjects, he's got lots of stories to relate. I'm surprised more things don't make it onto his blog, but that's how those things go, they are very personal. We laughed in that my "extended" family don't know about my blog and we were having to be careful not to mention it in case my mother-in-law happened to still be there when they came (she goes to the races with my hubs). Also, D's not shared his blog with his family - including his son - so the whole time he was here we had to walk on egg-shells where that subject was concerned. I felt it hampered the conversation a little, but we managed. He's got a quick smile and even quicker wit and seemed to actually be happy. He says he loves it here and he's not felt this good in months. That's incredible. I hope it works out for him so he can find the peace he wants.
Last, but not least, I was intrigued to hear that I was not what he expected. Hmmm... now my curiousity is in full swing. Guess I'll have to wait until he gets home and blogs to figure out what he meant by that.
To round up the weekend all the kids came over for Father's Day last night. Eldest son had decided Mother's Day was just toooo boring (I was sick, we did nothing) so he gathered his siblings and their spouses/significant others and decided we must celebrate. This, as usual, included lots of food and laughter. We are a bit of a noisy group when we get together. Fun times had by all.
This morning? Hubs figured his blood sugar would be high due to his "badness" last night. I mean, a big chunk of ice-cream cake isn't exactly on the recommended list. Me? I had a little teeny sliver. Seriously, it was so thin you could see light through it. You know how this ends, right? He was right on target. I was high. Guess that must mean it's Monday.
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